
Experienced Building Inspectors

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  • The pool owner registers their pool with their local Council - this is required to be done by the 1st November, 2020
  • Once the pool owner receives notification from Council about the build date of their pool, the owner organises an inspection of their pool safety barrier with a Registered Building Inspector or Registered Building Surveyor
  • Inspection is carried out and either barrier is compliant, a certificate issued to the owner who then submits that certificate to the Council or;
  • Items are found, direction letter sent to owner with items requiring attention
  • Owner has up to 60 days to fix items and have fence re-inspected, if all OK, Compliance Certificate issued to owner and owner submits that to council.
  • A third inspection may be required where there are still minor outstanding items, however a maximum of 7 days is allowed to rectify and re-inspect
  • Please note: If major non-compliance items are found during the inspection, the inspector is required by law to submit a non-compliance certificate to Council immediately for actioning by Council
  • Major non-compliance items are as follows:
  • a door or gate forming part of the barrier, when in the closed position, is able to be opened by a person who is unable to reach the opening mechanism for that door or gate
  • a door or gate forming part of the barrier is unable to be completely closed
  • a door or gate forming part of the barrier is unable to be completely closed
  • any part of the barrier is less than 1 metre in height measured above ground level from the approach side

When is a Building Permit required?

A building permit is required for works that are not excluded by Schedule 3 of the Building Regulations 2018. These requirements are listed below and if you trigger any of these you will require a Building Permit for the works. 

  1. Where replacement or alteration of sections of the barrier is required, it cannot comprise of more than 50% of the barrier
  2. Footings and posts may not be replaced
  3. The use of materials not commonly used for the same purpose as the material being replaced
  4. An increase or decrease in the length of the barrier, or the size of area enclosed by the barrier
  5. Any works in relation to a retaining wall forming part of the barrier